Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dante's Inferno

So we started reading Dante's Inferno, and it is hard for me to follow. The language is beautiful, but I guess I just do not quite get what is going on completely. I failed the reading commentary, because I totally thought that Canto V was on something else. I knew that is was about these two lovers, and that the woman was married to her lover's older brother, but I thought it was talking about those who kill their kin. Since her husband killed them, I thought the whole chapter was on that, not about them per say.

I also cannot believe that I missed the fact that they were in whirlwinds and never to touch each other again. I understood all of that once the teacher explained it, but somehow when I was reading it, I missed that part, or something.

I like the language of the story, and how it is set up, but I am not sure if I like it yet or not. It is kind of confusing, and hard to follow, and I have never really liked death stories. I think they are interesting, but I don't really like them. I like happier stories, like comedies and romances. I like action movies too, but I just have never been into the more gorey, sad, hate, or death stories.

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